Monday 5 October 2009

Field of dreams

I am sure that many of you have seen the film 'Field of dreams' featuring Kevin Costner. In this film, Kevin's character owns a farm. It's struggling and they just about get by.

One day he gets a visit from Morgan Freeman [is he a ghost or is he real?] and is guided by him to build a football pitch. After a bit of a wobble he begins to do this. His mission takes priority over everything. His friends think he is mad, his family are confused and no one really understands why he is doing it. But the one sentence that is repeated to Kevin, and by Kevin is 'build it and they will come' No one even quite knows what that means, but...

When the pitch is completed, he sits back and waits. Long story short... out of the corn comes all of the legendary players from years gone by. They turn up one by one and then at the closing of the film, thousands of people are driving up to his farm to watch this epic game. They queue for mile upon mile and, as their is an entrance fee, all of their financial problems are naturally going to be solved. Result!

The secret to creating your own reality is pretty much like this. I shall abbreviate in steps: -
  1. Imagine the thing that you want
  2. Visual it in your mind, cut out pictures, research on the internet - anything that gets you fired up
  3. Imagine what it will feel like when you get it
  4. Keep this 'dream' to yourself - no matter how open minded people are, being right brained and grounded in the sense of reality that society gives us, no one can truly believe how immense you can create. A doubting look or someone saying 'how you gonna do that then!' in a sarcastic tone, will dimish your ability to create. That's human nature, so work with it. It is hard for others to get their heads around something like you wanting to create a £1million pound house when you live in a two up two down and struggle to pay the rent.
  5. Do not allow your current reality to cloud your future reality - if you have the tiniest teeniest doubt that will be enough to create a blockage - big enough to delay or even prevent your manifestation
  6. Expect the manifestation to happen - but don't put a time scale on it. If you want it within a week and it hasn't turned up by week two, your subconscious will start questioning and push it away
  7. Move on - don't keep looking at this particular wish. Once you have done all of the above your manifestation is on the way to you. But, keep searching for it and you will start to have doubts.
  8. That said, every night before I turn off the light, I close my eyes and visualise my farm. Each visit, I can see something different - a new barn, another field shelter, a training room, more stables, another room etc - and I just enjoy walking around 'my property' To go to sleep on that positive note is real good energy

These steps are the bricks for your creation, and they are also the cement for the creation to.

Just build it and they will come


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Create your reality coach